Acta Musei Moraviae
Scientiae biologicae (ISSN 1211-8788)
Acta Musei Moraviae, Scientiae biologicae (AMM) publishes original papers, reviews and short notes (e.g. faunistic records, biographies and book reviews), particularly in biosystematics and biogeography, but also in other related fields of biology. All works are peer-reviewed and their acceptance is determined by the editorial board. Manuscripts submitted must not be offered elsewhere for publication, nor may they have already been published. Each work must contain a heading (a title, the first and last name of all authors, their affiliations and e-mail of the corresponding author), key words (a maximum of ten not repeated in the title) and an Abstract. The standard structure of an article is: Introduction, Material and Methods, Results, Discussion (Conclusions), Acknowledgements and References. AMM is published in English or Czech. English articles may include a short Summary in the native language. English abstract, title and keywords are obligatory for Czech-written manuscripts, which must be also supplemented with English summary. Authors are obliged to conform with the current editions of the International Code of Zoological Nomenclature and International Code of Nomenclature for algae, fungi, and plants.
Publication in AMM is free, 25 reprints (on request) are also free of charge. Articles published in AMM are freely downloadable (open access) on the journal website <>.
Acta Musei Moraviae, Scientiae Biologicae
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